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Improving focus, positive thinking, personal and professional development, weight management often have the same roots. Like many of us, they are aspects of life that you too are determined to improve, and this requires outside support. Energy Positive Stockholm is here to help you do exactly that!

Energy and personal support are paramount in reaching these goals. Energy Positive is here from the beginning to the end of your journey toward developing your favorite self.

To encourage your consistency, you get clear and comprehensive updated coaching plans following your schedule and goals.

At Energy Positive your practitioner is trained energy Reiki treatments, coach and CEO.

In this aim, and for you to keep up with the good work that you have initiated in coming to your Reiki practitioner, we have compiled the best channels, blogs, best selling books and most sought after and award wining personal and professional coachs and mentors on the market. Feel free to try and implement their practices right away, your practitioner has sent you an email with a personalized program to "get started" in your healing path. This personalized program plan is updated at each visit to your Reiki practitioner so that we always follow your progress and aligne the program to your current level.

Having said this, let's get started!

May you be totally unfamiliar with the world of personal and professional coaching and mentoring, we like to have you started with a good morning routine that will fill you with physical and mental strength and healthy habits, that you can apply either from the comfort of your home or outdoor.


Build the mental habit of learning by listening.

Wake-up 15 minutes earlier than you usually do. Brush your teeth with your non-usual hand to train both side of your brain with easy habits, as per Jim Kwik. Splash your face with cold water. This is a very small part of the Wim Hoff idea of the benefit of the cold. Put on your track suit, your headset and tune your phone to Tom Bilyeu "Impact Theory" who are expert in interviewing higly skilled professionals who generously share with you their experience and give away many nuggets and Vishen Lakhiani "Mind Valley" specialist in life changing master classes who also gives away fascinating interview of motivational masters. You often meet the same guests as Impact Theory and at MindValley, and this is good as it allows you to hear the subject through different perspective.

Some of their guests who have brought us and our clientele tremendous value are:

Marisa Peer and her "I am Enough" movement.

Missy and Jon Butcher and their "Life Book" who encourage you to think about your life in a constructive way that will help you uncover what you want in life in all its 12 aspects.

Jocko Willink and his books "The way of the warrior kid" are incredible for kids and for adults who need to be reminded the basic values and worthiness of relationship and routine.

Dr Sherrie Campbell and her book "Success Equations" which we recommande as a book to keep at hand whenever you feel down.

Wim Hoff the "Ice man" has a fantastic breathing technique that boost you well being in various way. An application is available.

Jim Kwik and how to learn faster. A sweet man who knows the easy tricks to make you read and memorize faster, which we think is very helpful for our busy clientele juggling with many projects at a time.

Dr Joe Dispenza who we, as Reiki practitioner, love to mention in his work of the body’s 7 energy centers and how you can balance them to heal.

Dr Bruce Lipton "Epigenetics"


Authors such as Hal Elrod "The Miracle Morning" helps you create a beautiful morning routine as well as Robin Sharma "The 5am Club". Both coach many professionals stay on track of their goals and vision. Robin's "the methods for the superhuman productivity" is easily implemented with the below formula and method.

The 20/20/20 formula

20mn - EXERCISE - Intense exercise to release BDNF (Brain-derived neurotrophic factor) and Dopamine (neurotransmitter of motivation).

20mn - THINK OR MEDITATE - Review your life goals (short and/or long terms) as your brain is alert for this work. Journaling is to us the most efficient ways to get into our most vivid issues and get to the answer.

20mn - LEARN - Read a book for 20 minutes or listen to a podcast or YouTube video about personal and/or professional development, financial understanding, writing, etc.

The 90/90/1 rule

Set your coming 90 days to dedicate your 90 first minutes of your working day focused on your single most important opportunity to rise of executed flawlessly.

The 60/10 method

For the month to come, set a timer for a 60 minutes without technology and door shuts to work with massive intensity on your most important project, then walk, read or listen to music for 10 minutes.

Find Your circle of Genius

"Behavioral scientists have discovered the phenomenon of “emotional contagion.” This describes the fact that, unconsciously, we adopt the beliefs, feelings and behaviors of the people we spend most of our time with. In other words, check and make choices about your environment

“All change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end” Robin Sharma

Super power up your energy! Your journey starts now with a shower of energy during a one-to-one remote session via video conference, or during an in-person session at “Energy Positive” in Stockholm, Sweden, or at your preferred address (conditions apply). Simply confirm your booking date and time at

550sek/55€ incl VAT per session. Because consistency is key, monthly and yearly subscriptions are available, just ask or call +46 707 220 529 now.


September 29, 2015
Preparing for China...
March 15, 2013
Sweet Weddings...

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Sunday, September 26th, 2021 05:05
