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Yes, a monogram is for every cool bridal couples and it is as easy as getting my monogram and logo in 3 easy steps.


A monogram is a design made of intricate or overlapping letters. The letters are usually the initials of the bride and the groom's first and last names. Various options of visuals and techniques are possible. Your graphic designer is like a magicien when it comes to bringing to life your monogram and stationery that reflect your story and your personalities that guaranty a wow effect to you and your guests. Not only will your guests be amazed by the design and the details that they will recognize in you but they will also get a sense of what they are going to expect during their destination wedding journey together with you and your guests.

In this process, there are several things to think about in order to get the end result that really is you and reflect your story. After all ou are creating a new family and what more special than signing it like the royalties with a monogram that will reflect you all your life. As a cherry on the cake, it will be amazing in your favorite set of cristal champagne glasses, not mention how elegant it would will be as an embroidery to your silky bed cover, cotton sheet sets or linen pillow cases.


To begin with, chose the letters of your monogram or logo.
Though the letters are usually the initials of the bride and groom's first and last name it is becoming common for the couple to chose the initials of both first names only, leaving out the initials of the last names. The most commonly used are the initials of both first names plus the initial of the chosen family name that you have chosen for your new family, in which case the main question is down to which name you will be using as married couple. Does the husband's family name become your new family names, or do both family names remain as your new family name or will the wife's family name become your new family name. The later is not so rare in Sweden together with opting for a completely new family name for all.


Then think about when and where you met and start the thinking process a broad as possible. The region of the world, the country of the region, the state or the region of the country, the city of the region or state, the street of the city, the venue of the street. Did you speak to each other for the fisrt time at a hotel, at a restaurant or at a bar, or maybe in the staircase of your family's building, or even via a telephone's app wherever you stood at that moment. Wherever you met you surely met at a place which has a logo or a monogram or definitely a flag such the country or a coat of arms such as the state, the region or the city.

Think about the year and any markant events in the world that have resonated with you. Thank also about the people who may have been present with you at the moment. The more information your graphic designer the more details, colors and shapes she/he will be able to use to create several suggestions of monogram that will reflect your story and your personality for you to chose from. the font of the letters, the colors and the background all will be in line with your story.

And if you do not have any inspiration to begin with, do not worry! We have the right questions to uncover your story and get our professional graphic designer to suggest various models that we know you will fall in love with. The difficult part will be to chose one among all of them.


If you want to give it a try with basic monogram design, we suggest you to try the free online program .

you can also give this royalty free monogram generator a try


April 27, 2022
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May 15, 2017
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Comments (5)


I found this blog post on CastleKey extremely helpful in creating my own monograms and logos. The three simple steps provided make the process a breeze

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